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Trump is unsurprisingly Time magazine’s person of the year again

Clarissa Jan-Lim


December 12, 2024

Viewpoint Detected:


Fallacies Detected:

Biased Language, False Equivalence, Appeal to Emotion.

credAIble Evaluation:

This article discusses Donald Trump’s designation as Time’s 2024 Person of the Year, portraying the honor as both significant and expected. The use of biased language subtly elevates Trump’s accomplishments (e.g., “molded the Republican Party in his image”) while glossing over counterpoints or controversies. A false equivalence appears in juxtaposing Trump’s selection with infamous leaders like Stalin and Hitler, as well as symbolic choices like “The Computer,” implying a commonality where context diverges greatly. The author also employs an appeal to emotion, emphasizing Trump’s personal satisfaction with the title to humanize and personalize the narrative. Overall, the reasoning is slanted but not severely flawed.

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